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About Us

Meet the Team of The Doan Law Firm, P.C.

At The Doan Law Firm, P.C., we are proud to be led by founding Attorney Jimmy Doan. Under his leadership, we have fought for the rights of injured motorists in all sorts of truck accident claims and lawsuits. We would be honored to get a chance to stand up for your right to compensation, too.

Client convenience and satisfaction have always been the center focuses of Attorney Doan and the entire team at The Doan Law Firm, P.C.. That’s why we have dozens of law offices across America. From San Diego to Chicago to D.C. to Miami – and many other major cities in between – we make it simple for truck accident survivors to talk to an attorney who genuinely cares about their recovery and well-being.

Find the The Doan Law Firm, P.C. office nearest you. Dial (800) 349-0000 and request a free case consultation today.

Read Reviews From Former Clients

  • This law firm has very friendly staff with great service. They are professional and well organized.
    - Marcus
  • They assured me with confidence so I had no worries.
    - Samuel
  • My experience at The Doan Law Firm was exceptional!
    - Darin